Monday, June 8, 2009

its been a bad day...

so today has just been one of those day when i dont want to get out of bed...somedays are pretty good and then there are days like today...i know we're on the downslide of this deployment but i just really hate waiting...there are so many issues that need to be fixed and not sure where exactly to start to fix them...i love my husband so much it hurts when we're apart and he says the same thing...i just wonder how we got here...between deployments and field problems i think our marriage is just been pushed off to the side...i just wish things were an easy fix..somedays i wonder exactly what i'm doing and is it worth all the hell that i've gone through...just need a sign or something to show me what is the right path to walk down...i cant think most days..i just go through the routine of living...get up...make sure the kids are taking care of...the animals..the even living more along the lines of functioning...not sure what the right answers are anymore...